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Spine and Neuro


How to Deal with Migranes

By Dr. Russell Shah, MD

Dec 23, 2016

What do you do if you feel a bad migraine coming on?

Try some of these nine ways to deal with migraines to attempt some quick relief to try to avoid suffering through debilitating pain all day.

1. Avoid Triggers: Keep a diary to determine which situations and foods seem to trigger your migraines. Avoid these things whenever possible.

2. Take a Nap: If taking a nap is possible, go lay down as soon as possible. There is a good chance you will feel much better when you wake up.

3. Switch Environments: If your migraine is triggered by bright lights, loud noises, or over-stimulation, escape to a quiet, dim or dark room to rest for a while if possible.

4. Get a Massage: Massages always feel fantastic; this can be especially true when you have a migraine to treat.

5. Exercise: Exercising is a great way to take care of your body, release endorphins and keep those migraines at bay.

6. Reduce Stress: Stress is a factor for many medical conditions including migraines. Find ways to reduce your stress and your migraines may decrease in frequency and intensity.

7. A bit of Caffeine may help: Caffeine can be a major migraine trigger, but sometimes a little caffeine can help if you recently quit drinking soda or coffee. Your body may be going through caffeine withdrawal symptoms. The same can be true if you drink a lot of caffeine regularly and skip it for some reason.

8. An Over the Counter Pain Reliever may help: If you don't have time to try some of the other solutions, more a pain reliever can help stomp out the pain fast.

9. Visit EMG Neurology: None of the at-home remedies seem to be working? It may be time to make an appointment with Dr. Russell Shah, MD.. Migraines can become serious, if you are unable to control them on your own, don’t just live with them, see a professional!

Your primary care doctor is your best resource in helping you decide if you should see a neurologist as many of these symptoms could be part of another disorder that is not neurological in nature. However, if your symptoms are severe enough (like sympoms of a stroke or recurring severe migraines) or you're not confidant in your primary doctor’s recommendations, you may choose to make an appointment with a neurologist on your own.

A philosophy of diagnostic excellence & commitment to your best interests.

Dr. Russell J. Shah’s commitment to objectivity as a diagnostician and experienced EMG neurologist extends to all aspects of his care, including the treatments he recommends. You’ll be informed about your options, which will be based on a highly skilled interpretation of your EMG results.

Fellowship-trained in EMG testing and interpretation, Dr. Shah has a more thorough understanding of the subtleties of EMG testing and interpretation than is common. He has examined hundreds of thousands of nerves and helped thousands of people with nerve pain get an accurate diagnosis and effective, appropriate care.